Apparently I'm just an epic failure at blogging. I just never seem to find the time to sit down and write anything. But it's Spring Break, so I figured I could spare a few minutes.
Today I bought tickets to see the Glee Cast live in NYC and I am so, so excited. I never, ever do anything impulsive, and this fits the bill. My seats are really good, although I may try for better ones on Friday when they go on general sale. Glee has got to be my favorite show on TV right now-I love everything about it. I love the writing, I love the music, I love the characters, and I adore the cast!
Hmm...what else to say? Besides work and school, not a whole lot is going on. My best friend from childhood is having a baby! which is totally insane to me. I mean, I love babies, I do, but at the end of the day when I've been spit up on and constantly had little people demanding my attention at every moment I'm glad to be able to hand them off! Her baby shower is Saturday, so I need to go shopping which is dangerous because me+baby clothes= OMG I don't care how much work they are I want one right now!
One of my favorite families at church who had their daughter in the baby room with me for over a year told us last week they're expecting again! The mom came up to the door and told her husband to "Tell Miss Kait what we're bringing her in September.....a baby!" And my thoughts? Super, no one has ever gotten me a baby before!
Park City Utah
3 years ago